Lemon curd

Sigurna sam da ova slastica većini vas izgleda i zvuči vrlo moderno, kao da je nastala u nekoj svjetski poznatoj slastičarnici, kreirana i osmišljena po mjeri i ukusu razmaženih bogatašica... Ali nije tako! 
Lemon curd je nastao u najsiromašnijim slojevima od sastojaka koji su im bili dostupni - voće, u ovom slučaju limun, jaja, malo šećera i surutka... maslac su mogli samo sanjati! Danas je ponos engleske kuhinje...

I'm sure that to most of you this dessert looks and sounds very modern, like it was created in a world famous pastry shop, created and designed custom-made and taste spoiled rich girl ... But not so! Lemon curd is formed in the poorest strata with the ingredients that are available to them - fruit, in the case of lemons, eggs, a little sugar and whey ... Butter... they could only dream of! Today is the pride of the English kitchen ...

3 limuna, 3 veća žutanjka, 220 g šećera, 80 g masla, naribati koru jednog limuna, iscjediti sok od sva tri i treba biti 120 ml soka.

3 lemons, 3 higher egg yolk, 220 g sugar, 80 g butter, grated rind of one lemon, a  juice of all three lemons... should be 120 ml of juice.
Pogledajte i naš video recept...

Izmješati žicom šećer i žutanjke, dodati sok i naribanu koru limuna. Staviti kuhati na paru. 

Watch our video recipe ... 

Mix with a whisk sugar and egg yolks, add the juice and grated lemon peel. Put cooked on steam.

Miješati cijelo vrijeme žicom i kuhati na srednje jakoj vatri... Na početku se smjesa zapjeni, ali vremenom postaje sve gušća i gušća...
Slika pokazuje do koje gustoće treba kuhati. Kuhati oko 30 min...
Smjesu tada procijediti kroz gusto cijedilo... 

Mix all the time with a whisk and cook over medium heat ... At the beginning of cooking the mixture is foamy, but eventually becomes thicker and thicker ... The photo shows to what density should be cooked. Cook for about 30 minutes ... The mixture then strain through a thickly dripping ...

Umiješati maslac dok je još vruća. 

Stir butter while still hot.

Može se i vratiti na paru dok se ne ujednači ...otopi!

It can also go back to the steam until it stabilized ... dissolved!

Spremiti u prikladne posudice i čuvati u hladnjaku do 30 dana! Mada sumnjam da će trajati i 3 dana...

Save in appropriate containers and stored in the refrigerator up to 30 days! Though I doubt that it will take three days ...

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